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Realism, Still life
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Sunflower 1 of 4.

The common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a large annual forb of the genus Helianthus. It is commonly grown as a crop for its edible oily seeds.


Sunflower Art Throughout History.

While sunflowers were famously depicted during the impressionist period and later, other artists used sunflowers in their work - and even utilized the flower for pigmentation.

Native Americans created the earliest sunflower art. They used both a representation of the flower in art and processed sunflowers to create pigments. First peoples in America found ways to produce vibrant yellow and purple pigments from the flower and seeds. They used this pigmentation in pottery and other art.

Later, when Europeans planted sunflowers from American seeds, the flower found its way into paintings depicting everything from children to royalty. It was favored by the “sun kings” Charles I of England and Louis XIV of France. Louis XIV claimed the sunflower as his symbol. Many paintings of French royalty and those associated with royalty at the time feature sunflowers in clothing or as part of the work itself.

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