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Pop Art Facts:

Pop art was originally called Propaganda art.


Andy Warhol designed the iconic album artwork for The Velvet Underground’s debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico.


The Souper Dress, a throwaway garment inspired by Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Can series, was manufactured by the Campbell Soup Company in 1966–67.


Pop art’s use of found objects and images can be traced back to the Dada movement in the early 1900s.


Artists like Jeff Koons and Claes Oldenburg satirized everyday objects by depicting them in monumental proportions.


Oldenburg’s iconic pieces include giant ice cream scoops, spoons, clothespins, and more.


The most expensive Warhol ever sold was Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster), which he created in 1963. It sold for $105 million in 2013.

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