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Fauvism in art was characterised by the move away from the impressionist and post impressionist short brush-marks to more radical and bold distortions of form and areas of violent colour.


The Fauvist movement rejected the idea of three dimensional space in paintings, preferring a two dimensional surface of intense colours and vigorous brush-marks.


The Fauvist Movement was a form of expressionism and was characterised by paintings of landscapes or people where both forms and colours were distorted for the purpose of expressing something beyond the superficial image of the object being painted.


The name of Fauvism as an art movement was originally coined in 1905 when these artists first exhibited together in Paris. The name apparently comes from the occasion when the art critic Louis Vauxcelles, referring to a classical sculpture situated among the Fauvist paintings, called it “Donatello au milieu des fauves”, meaning Donatello among the wild beasts.



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